Sponsorship Levels
Thank you for your consideration in sponsoring LabMan 2018! Below is a list of the standard sponsorship levels for you to review and consider. If you have other questions or ideas for sponsorship please send an email to labman2018@umd.edu.
Become a Sponsor
Premier Level
This is a bid level sponsorship. Minimum bid of $3,500. Highest bid will receive sponsorship of the main conference social event:
- Dinner at Buddy’s Crabs & Ribs in historic Annapolis, MD
Bidding for this level closes on Friday, March 30, and sponsors will be notified by Wednesday, April 4.
Sponsors at the Premier Level will also receive:
- 1 presentation slot during the conference
- Table space at the Vendor Expo
- Large ad in conference material
- Direct link from conference website to sponsor's website
- Registration and on-site conference meals for up to 4 representatives
- Recognition as Premier Level sponsor in conference materials
- Opportunity to present gift in Vendor Give-Away Drawing
- Opportunity to provide printed marketing materials for the attendee packet
- Opportunity to sponsor branded gifts for the attendee packet
- Name badges to identify as a Premier Level sponsor
- List of attendees
Platinum Level
Limted to 11 sponsors
Sponsors at the $2,500 Platinum Level will receive:
- Sponsorship of conference meal or break
- 1 presentation slot during the conference
- Table space at the Vendor Expo
- Large ad in conference material
- Direct link from conference website to sponsor's website
- Registration and on-site conference meals for up to 2 representatives
- Recognition as Platinum Level sponsor in conference materials
- Opportunity to present gift in Vendor Give-Away Drawing
- Opportunity to provide marketing materials for the attendee packet
- Opportunity to sponsor branded gifts for the attendee packet
- Name badges to identify as a Platinum Level sponsor
- List of attendees
Gold Level Sponsor
Sponsors at the $2,000 Gold Level will receive:
- 1 presentation slot during the conference
- Table space at the Vendor Expo
- Large ad in conference material
- Direct link from conference website to sponsor's website
- Registration and on-site conference meals for up to 2 representatives
- Recognition as Gold Level sponsor in conference materials
- Opportunity to present gift in Vendor Give-Away Drawing
- Name badges to identify as a Gold Level sponsor
- List of attendees
Silver Level Sponsor
Sponsors at the $1,500 Silver Level will receive:
- Table space at the Vendor Expo
- Small ad in conference material
- Direct link from conference website to sponsor's website
- Registration and on-site conference meals for up to 2 representatives
- Recognition as Silver Level sponsor in conference materials
- Opportunity to present gift in Vendor Give-Away Drawing
- Name badges to identify as a Silver Level sponsor
- List of attendees
Bronze Level Sponsor
Sponsors at the $1,000 Bronze Level will receive:
- Table space at the Vendor Expo
- Direct link from conference website to sponsor's website
- Registration and on-site conference meals for up to 2 representatives
- Recognition as Bronze Level sponsor in conference materials
- Name badges to identify as a Bronze Level sponsor